Friday, April 28, 2006

Leila Occupying Space


Anonymous said...

She is too funny! I love her sense of ownership.

This photo needs to be enlarged so we can see the arroweads better! I hope you plan to post more pics with them.

And that table is so cool! It reminds me of a table from the 60's.

Great photos as always~

JEFFY said...

Hello Bg and Barbara, and Lacey, and Elizabeth and Anomymous...I love his pussy cat pictures too! Pussy cats are so fun and silly. I gots me 2 felines. They're both boys but me thinks they is gay. hahah! Happy saturday to all of yous!

JEFFY said...

I know a few folks that's got that same sense of ownership runnin through them too! And they gots sharp claws! Hahaha! I guess I'll just tremble on over to my beddy by and catch me a snooze like these heah pussy cats...purrrrrrrr kiss

JEFFY said...

Pussy in a suitcase! Now that's a lightbulb IDEA!!!

JEFFY said...

IT SHOULD READ..."SPACE OCCUPYING LEILA" Or something like that because I think the SPACE is there for her and her alone. Or wait...digging deeper cause this is deep....the space is entertaining her, not vice versa...or is it the other way around? I dont care what they say about IS not greater than her! She is enteraining the Space...Space is a great thing and Im glad we all have some but Maybe space is God. And she's keeping God occupied. Then you would be right after all, she's occupying Space. Sorry. I aint smoking pot, I swear!