Sunday, October 01, 2006

Jo'Mo' and Bev

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Anonymous said...

Great photo of your friends. Young/old, black/white, male/female, joyful.

Bob G. said...

These are indeed lovely people. Bev is the mother of the late Wes Disney, who was a great artist and part of the Vermont community. She is an extraordinary intellect AND heart. Jo'Mo' (Joseph Moore) is a local musician whose impressive credentials include stints as the sax player for Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding, Billy Stewart, Sam and Dave and other Soul Music notables when he was only in his teens. Since 1975, however, Vermont has been lucky enough to have this gifted artist as one of our own. He was Wes' dear friend for many many years. In 2001-2 he toured with Pork Tornado, the band put together by John Fishman , the drummer of Phish.

Anonymous said...

You know some amazing people, BG! But you know what:

It takes one to know one!

Bob G. said...

not necessarily - you can be a relatively dull bystander and still be lucky enough to have interesting neighbors...but thanks!