Sunday, April 30, 2006

Painting: "Nixon Killed Kennedy" (1987)


Anonymous said...

Did you paint this? I would love it if you gave some background and told us more about the latest things you posted!

Pretty please with suga on top!

Lacey Barbara

Bob G. said...

Let's see...this is a painting from the mid-'80's I did after reading about 30 or more books on Kennedy's assassination. The connections between Nixon's "patron" Santos Trafficante and David Ferrie and others from, no offense, New Orleans and Florida, Nixon's friend DeMorhenshieldt with Oswald, Oswald's immediate hush-murder by a mob-connected Jack Ruby, Nixon's presence, documented in the Warren Report, in a hotel (Hilton) in Dallas on 11/21/63 along with J. Edgar Hoover and Clint Murchison, and about 1000 other fragments all pushed this painting outa me. Also, note that the Warren Report's counsel, Gerald Ford, was not only the chief bearer of Allen Dulles's "theory" of the lone gunman, Oswald, he was also one of the last officials to meet with the jailed Jack Ruby, who begged to be moved from Texas to a Federal prison, saying he would be killed. Only weeks later, he was dead from an alleged "fast-growing sudden cancer." The same gang included, of course, George H.W. Bush, as detailed in the Warren Report, for those who bother to wade through it. Don't get me started. The weavings I did as a therapeutic ritual during a very anxious period in 1984-85. I learned to do them from a friend, Judith Dunn, about whom I will write in coming weeks, as well as post photos.

JEFFY said...

Bg I aint got no idea what you talking about. Haha... 30 books on the Kennedy assassination? God! Y'all 'scuse me. I'm gonna just ease on outa here...and possibly delete my blog! hahaha!

Anonymous said...

BG, The trugh behind the assasination has always facsinated me - will anyone ever really know the truth? Even if we KNOW the truth will anyone admit or accept it? Power corrupts people and politics is mostly about power (IMHO). This is a great peice of art. I enlarged it to really check out all you have here.

My personal rememberance of the Kennedy assisination was seeing my mother cry for the first time in my life (and one of the only times) I was four.


JEFFY said...

Only thing I remember about Kennedy was that most Catholics in Plaquemine parish liked him. Cause he was Catholic. But a whole hell of a lot of "people" in Plaquemine parish did not like him, especially people in power down there. All that there happened before my time. So I nono. But you swho have some nice stuff here! Beautiful. Even I can see dat.

JEFFY said...


JEFFY said...

I collected cigar boxes as a kid. I like this here! Great pic of Jackie too!